
Isotope Crossroads: Louisville
26 February 2025
8:00 AM - 4:00 pm
The Seelbach Hilton, 500 Fourth Street Louisville, KY 40202

Parking Instructions: Please self-park in the Seelbach Parking Garage located behind the hotel and enter the hotel through the Medallion Foyer. You can enter "Seelbach Parking Garage" into your GPS, it is behind the hotel between S 4th St and S 5th St.

At registration, you will be given a parking voucher that you will scan as you exit the garage.

The parking garage has a 6ft clearance, if your vehicle will not fit into the garage, please pull up to the Seelbach Hilton valet and let them know you are with "Isotope Crossroads". They will give you a parking pass for your dashboard and direct you to a parking lot approximately 1.5 blocks away.

We will be paying for parking as long as you park in one of these lots.

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